Wraith For Mod

Wraith For Mod
The mod adds Stargate Atlantis’ Wraith species class with:
2 portraits: Todd (best wraith ever) and Wraith Queen,
2 traits: Immortal and Hated,
name list
cost: 5
gives: Leader Lifespan +10000000
it’s linked with Fleeting, Enduring and Venerable
cost: -6
gives: Other Species Happiness -100%
it’s linked with Charismatic and Repugnant
Name List
Planet names
· sequential names with Feeding Ground (Feeding Ground 01, Feeding Ground 02 etc.)
Character names
· sequential names: Wraith 001 etc.
Fleet names
· sequential names with Wraith Armada (1st Wraith Armada, 2nd Wraith Armada etc.)
Ship names
· generic names: sequential names with 2 prefixes (Wraith Culling and Wraith Harvester)
· corvette: Wraith Dart
· destroyer: Wraith Fighter
· cruiser: Wraith Cruiser
· battleship: Wraith Battleship
· science: Wraith Sci
· colonizer: Wraith Hive
· constructor: Wraith Builder
· transport: Wraith Bringer
Planned features
additional traits
improved name list