Aggressive Crisis Engine Legacy

Aggressive Crisis Engine Legacy

Legacy version for Stellaris 2.* only (2.8 2.7 etc). Current version here:
Documentation for modders is included in main mod folder.

Aggressive Crisis Engine (ACE, ACEMOD) is a collaborative Stellaris mod with new crisis AI and a great amount of crisis improvements.

a.k.a. crisis is fixed

Comparison of Vanilla and ACE AI under the same conditions (2.8.1, x10, Commodore). Video courtesy of .

Vanilla AI is off for main crises and all fleet movements are mod scripted, this includes military fleets, constructors, army transports and swarm infestors.

Galactic empires receive initial massive damage penalty against crisis factions. New technologies are required to be obtained in order to mitigate this.

Load order

At the very bottom. Aggressive Crisis Engine overwrites very little but what is does is crucial for it to work.


There is an optional which will make empire modifiers like Enemy Unknown (damage penalty to crisis factions) work again. It is not essential for ACEMOD to work, this is only needed if you want damage modifiers working until Paradox fixes LIOS overwrite bug.


Additional mod support

ACEMOD configuration menu opens on game start. In order to access menu after start of the game you can use one or more of the following mods:
– by .
– by .
– by .
You can also fire mod menu with an event acemod_menu.1 console command.


ACEMOD is flexible and modular. Users are able to switch individual components on and off on game start.

Modders can use ACEMOD AI for their own custom country_types and exclude individual fleets from ACEMOD AI for their own events. Current list of effects for modders to use is inside acemod_fleet_events.txt. See for details.


This mod is highly compatible but requires disabling vanilla crisis AI. For this reason put ACEMOD below any mod which changes crises (this includes Starnet AI and Glavius AI which overwrite crisis definitions without actually making changes to them).

ACEMOD gives Dimensional Anchors FTL inhibitors and makes them visible on a galactic map. Position ACEMOD below any mod which adds components or ship types.

See if you want to get technical.

Crisis AI

– Full support for Contingency, Prethoryn Scourge, Unbidden, Aberrant and Vehement.
– New custom pathfinding accounting for wormholes and gateways. Begone loops.
– Aggressive not only in the name. Fleets are relentless and always seek targets.
– Defensive fleet recall for Contingency worlds.
– Extended crisis options, including “fixed vanilla”, hard mode and brutal setting. You will not survive (WIP).
– New crisis-related technologies.
– Various fixes like changing crisis bombardment stance and making unarmed crisis ships flee when in danger.
List of features is subject to change.

Overnight test run of ACEMOD AI crisis on Stellaris 2.7.2. Default settings but technology cost on x0.25. All empires were on repeatables. Crisis on x1 strength was squashed, this is a x5 Scourge.

A 37-year timelapse of the Contingency invading the galaxy (compressed into 5 minutes).

Similar video but with Unbidden.

Prethoryn Scourge video.

Mod merging info

When merging mods for personal use by , or some other way, please make sure ai = { } block has enabled = no. Otherwise ACEMOD AI will be overwritten by vanilla AI and won’t work properly. For list of overwrites see .


, and hope you will enjoy this mod.

Thank you to 150 players who decided to try the mod in .


Please post bug reports in the or on .

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A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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