Category: Fixes Stellaris Mods


Pancake’s Leafless Plantoids (Replacer)

This is a mesh-replacement mod. I have opened up each 3D mesh for the plantoids DLC and removed the “energy leaves” or “solar panels” in almost all instances. I did this because I like...


Fixed Origins for Randomized Empires

About: This mod allows following origins to appear when player starts the game by choosing Random Empire, in addition to currently working ones: – Life-Seeded– Void-dwellers– Galactic Doorstep– On the Shoulder of Giants– Common...


!Expanded Stellaris Traditions ACOT Patch

This is a small compatibility patch between the mods and . It corrects an error that prevents you from researching Enigmatic and Stellarite tech. Place below these mods in your load order. A more...


Carrying Capacity – Additional Vanilla Buildings Patch 2.8.1

2.8.1対応(2021/02/14更新) Mod『Carrying Capacityã€ã®è£œåŠ©Modã§ã™ã€‚ 1)ステラリス2.8.1ã«å¯¾å¿œã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚2)Mod『Additional Vanilla Buildingsã€ã®è¿½åŠ å»ºç‰©ã«å¯¾å¿œã—ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ (google Translation: This is an auxiliary mod for the mod “Carrying Capacity”.  1) Added support for Stellaris 2.8.1.  2) Added support for additional buildings in the mod “Additional Vanilla...


Ethics & Civics Classic – Edits and Fixes

Paches Petruxa’s version of Ethics & Civics Classic fully up to 2.8.1 Includes all relevant changes from the 2.8.1 base filesIncludes relevant fixes from Includes only what I thought to be bug fixes from...