Category: Fixes Stellaris Mods


Light Borders + Star Pins Mod

Makes borders more transparent and thin, keeps star pins.Achievement-compatibe. The mod also:– slightly raises borders– doesn’t highlght borders under nebulas Original version:


Giga Diversity 2.8 Mod

This Mod is a work in progress that is designed to make Gigastructural Engineering, Planetary Diversity, and Guilli’s Planet Modifiers and Features more synergistic. Current Features:*Terraforming connection among the planet classes for Gigastructural Engineering...


More Crisis Ship + ZoFE Patch Mod

A small patch to allow More Crisis Ships when using the mod Zenith of Fallen Empire 3.0 Requirements: Load Order: -More Crisis and FE Ships-The Zenith of Fallen Empires 3.0-More Crisis Ships + ZoFE...


EO – Pony Stuff fixes Mod

Dependencies This mod requires the following mods to function, make sure they are installed and above this one in the load order. Description The Pony Stuff mod adds many assets used by Equestrian Origins...


resettlement_mod Mod

Pop resettlement mod___________________This mod resettles pops across all owned planets. It is suitable to move all types of pops, including robots, slaves, bio-trophies and pops from awoken fallen empires. The script handles all players...