Category: Balance Stellaris Mods


Sapient Machines

PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION! YOUR QUESTION MAY BE ANSWERED BELOW! SYNTHETIC DAWN DLC IS REQUIRED FOR USE Can you translate this mod? Got a cool suggestion? Feel free to message me on this discord!...



关于本mod 本mod为太虚æµæµªä¸‹æ–°è¡¥å……包,太虚蜂群patch,本补充包æ供一个全新的太虚蜂群和ç»æµŽç³»ç»Ÿã€‚关于如何使用,请根æ®æ¸¸æˆç»éªŒè€Œå®šã€‚如å‰ä½œä¸€æ ·ï¼Œè¦æ±‚主mod为å‰ç½®


Stronger Fallen Empires

Stronger Fallen Empires Stronger Fallen Empires sagnificantly buffs Fallen and Awakend Empires not just by raw power boosts but by giving them more unique fleets and stronger buildings so they can keep up with...


Sapient Machines

PLEASE READ THE DESCRIPTION! YOUR QUESTION MAY BE ANSWERED BELOW! SYNTHETIC DAWN DLC IS REQUIRED FOR USE Can you translate this mod? Got a cool suggestion? Feel free to message me on this discord!...


Relic Collection War

This mod adds all-new wars for relic collection. Just kidding, it doesn’t do that. This mod changed the chance for taking enemy relic when capturing enemy capital from 10% to 50%, and changed the...