Category: Balance Stellaris Mods


Matthew’s Leader Mod Mod

Changes from vanilla: Leader pool size: 3 -> 8Minimum leader age: 28 -> 25Maximum leader age: 50 -> 45 Monarch, heirs, governors and scientists have increased XP gains from their normal activities (researching, governing,...


More Default Origins Mod

Inspired by Cybrxkhan’s Basic Ordinary Origins mod I have created a similar mod that adds 14 simple, default origins similar to “Prosperous Unificationâ€. Features:– Military Unification for Militarist ethic– Planetary Hegemony for Authoritarian ethic–...


L-Cluster Black Hole Mod

Simple mod which makes Terminal Egress, the entry-and-exit point for the L-Cluster, a black hole, like every other L-Gate system. In addition to correcting an inconsistency, this also allows you to construct black-hole-specific megastructures...


L-Cluster Plus Mod

The L-Cluster never really felt that rewarding considering how much preparation it takes to open the L-Gates and that it’s literally the longest and most complex event chain in the game, only rivaled by...