Category: Game Mechanics Stellaris Mods


All Anomaly Spawns Mod

This is a simple mod that removes the null spawn chance from the seven non-AI anomalies that have it, so it will never silently fail to spawn. Three of these are pretty tame (I’m...


Infinite Fleets 2.0 Mod

This is an updated version for 2.6 This mod is quite simple all it does is increase the hard caps of navel, fleet, and stations to one-million. What I mean by this is that...


Exalted Domination Mod

This mod is in beta! This mod aims to improve the Domination tradition so that it is an appealing option at any stage of the game and also adds several new vassal and tributary...


Stellaris: Reborn II (4/4) Mod

Do. Not. Run. Any. Other. Mods. Besides. This. One. Stellaris: Reborn II – Part 4All 4 Parts are required! Stellaris: Reborn II is the successor to Stellaris: Reborn and is again adding content from...


GFL – The 404 Storyline Mod

(English→简体中文)Welcome to my world of GirlsFrontline!This mod is partly integrated into another mod(少女å‰çº¿ 群星故事集 By @Anna Comnenus)Well, you can still play this mod as how it was! It’s just a worldline integration, you know....