Category: Game Mechanics Stellaris Mods


More Default Origins Mod

Inspired by Cybrxkhan’s Basic Ordinary Origins mod I have created a similar mod that adds 14 simple, default origins similar to “Prosperous Unificationâ€. Features:– Military Unification for Militarist ethic– Planetary Hegemony for Authoritarian ethic–...


Repeatable Technology Mod

This Mod tries to manage the clicks of repeatable technologies in a better way at the end of the game and avoid distractions. They are the same core technologies of “Stellaris” but together and...


SW: Fallen Republic- Galaxy BG Mod

This Mod adds a Galaxy Background for Fallen Republic. Make sure to load the mod after Fallen Republic. Features: adding the Star Wars Region borders as Galaxy Background Keep Involved: Consider joining our Discord...


A More Peaceful Galaxy Mod

A more peaceful galaxy mod Github link > ## Mod descriptionThis mod changes the spawn mechanics for AI empires to make the likelihood of “aggressive” (see technical description) AI spawning a lot lower than...


Matthew’s Leader Mod Mod

Changes from vanilla: Leader pool size: 3 -> 8Minimum leader age: 28 -> 25Maximum leader age: 50 -> 45 Monarch, heirs, governors and scientists have increased XP gains from their normal activities (researching, governing,...