8 Research Alternatives Mod
This simple mod changes the base games 3 research cards to 8. This mod edits these texts. “–NGameplay NDefines.NGameplay.NUM_TECH_ALTERNATIVES = 8;” Please rate if you enjoy! Hello all, I’ve just made a combo mod...
This simple mod changes the base games 3 research cards to 8. This mod edits these texts. “–NGameplay NDefines.NGameplay.NUM_TECH_ALTERNATIVES = 8;” Please rate if you enjoy! Hello all, I’ve just made a combo mod...
So this is a mod from a Zoologist/Ornithologist who was a bit dissapointed with the lack of Parrots in the game, so as a parrot lover I decided to add some in. What does...
Political Correctness 「政治正确」 Do you guys have the mod…which remove black lives matter portraits and region of peace names from human race’s default? I think the reptiles tab have empty slot for these portraits...
A seperate species for the Star Empire of Manticore. Only includes naval and marine uniforms at this point; Captain and Captain of the list for Scientists, Commodore and up for Admirals. Marine uniforms fo...
This simple mod simply adds 5 trait points instead 1 for Targeted Gene Expressions rare tech. This is useful for those who like gene modding but prefer to take some other ascension paths.
Description NB! MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE “EXTERMINATUS” EDICT ACTIVE IN ORDER TO USE EXTERMINATUS WEAPONS AND DECLARE EXTERMINATUS UPON OTHERS. Personally, I’ve been dissapointed by the poor state of planetary bombardings in this...