Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods


AA’s Origins: God Ruler

One Shall Rule A simple mod that brings some content to Stellaris based on the Imperium from Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40000. Includes: a new origin; an ecumenopolis start; bespoke districts; bespoke buildings; bespoke jobs;...



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Extended Edicts

Extended Edicts brings a variety of new Edicts to the game. 2 New Ambitions4 Perpetual Edicts10 Campaigns(campaigns are essentially edicts with a time limit) This mod is currently a work in progress and will...


Zro Edicts

A trio of basic edicts allowing an empire to spend two strategic resources (50 Zro and then either 50 Dark Matter, 50 Nanites or 50 Living Metal) for additional effects. The edicts are available...