Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods



-æ— å°½ã®ç¹æ˜Ÿæ·±å¤„黑暗中éšåŒ¿ç€å¯æ€•çš„æ¶é¾™ï¼ -这些å¤è€çš„生物四处游è¡åžå™¬ä¸€åˆ‡å¼±å°çš„ç”Ÿç‰©ï¼ -传说这些巨龙ã®æ´žçªŸä¸­è´®è—者无数的龙ã®ç§˜å®ï¼ -本mod需è¦å®‰è£…兼容补ä¸ï¼Œå…¼å®¹è¡¥ä¸å¯åœ¨ç¾¤æ–‡ä»¶ä¸‹è½½ï¼ 讨论群:8830598


Playable Fallens ALT 2.8

Based on Twink’s Fallen Empires, but rebuilt from the ground up. AKA: Less fluff and more compatible. Features:– Start as a Fallen Empire.HOWTO: Select a Fanatic ethic or Gestalt, then select the Empire in...


Diplomatic Expansion: Penetration/外交拓展:间谍

This mod allows you to send spies to other countries and perform spy operations! 这个modå…许你å‘其他国家派é£é—´è°ï¼Œå¹¶æ‰§è¡Œé—´è°è¡ŒåŠ¨ï¼ This mod belongs to Diplomatic Expansion Series这个mod隶属于外交拓展系列Basic IntroductionThis mod changes the diplomatic option of “Insult” in the vanilla game...


Extended Edicts

Extended Edicts brings a variety of new Edicts to the game. 2 New Ambitions4 Perpetual Edicts10 Campaigns(campaigns are essentially edicts with a time limit) This mod is currently a work in progress and will...


Diplomatic Expansion: Terrorism/外交拓展:恐怖主义

æ­¤MOD必须基于æ‰èƒ½æ­£å¸¸å·¥ä½œï¼ 测试版 主è¦å†…容为拓展æ怖组织相关,包括æ怖袭击,æ怖分å­å»ºå›½ç­‰ï¼ˆä»‹ç»æš‚时缺çœï¼‰ This MOD must be based on to work normally! Now in beta!! The main content is related to the expansion of terrorist organizations (the introduction is temporarily default)


Maid Trait And Job 2.8.x

**Attempt to fix pop not taking maid job. Not sure it’s going to work this time.** Another make as I please mod. Please noted that trial and errors may occur without prior notice. See...