Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods


AA’s Mega Districts (2.8.1) Mod

Mega Cities. Corporate Arcologies. Industrial Zones.See the slideshow for all the details. COMPATIBILITYDo not use with AlphaMod 2.8. All of this mod is in that already. Over-rides the following vanilla files:common/districts/00_urban_districts.txtcommon/districts/02_rural_districts.txt Load Order: Try...


Various Servant Add-on Mod

This is a add-on mod of mod. load order: Various Servant JobVarious Livestock Job (If you use)Various Servant Add-on (This mod) Now Domestic Slaves can have Social Welfare or Chemical Bliss Living Standards. Add...


Various Livestock Job Mod

This mod adds some new jobs for Livestock slavery.Lab Rat job, Psionic Battery job and VR Slave job. This is a add-on mod of mod. load order: Various Servant JobVarious Livestock Job (This mod)Various...


At War: Large Starbase Weapons Mod

This is a fork of an existing mod – , and . I have made the following changes: Updated to 2.8.1. Made adjustments to the starbase type so that Starbases equipped with the Large...


Azur Lane Species KuRUMiiii Edition Mod

全新制作的碧è“航线ç§æ—立绘 共计141张立绘其中大部分为皮肤立绘,整体观感为头åƒä¸ŽåŠèº«åƒä¹‹é—´ã€‚其中人å£å²—ä½çš„立绘为Q版å°äººã€‚ 完全根æ®æˆ‘自己的喜好挑选 ä¸å­˜åœ¨é‡å¤KANSEN 是完完全全的个人ç§è´§ 会跟éšç¢§è“航线的更新而更新。有新船我会添加,有新皮肤我会考虑更æ¢~ ç›®å‰åªæ”¯æŒæˆ‘自己的中KANSENç§æ— 请注æ„,这就是完全我的个人ç§è´§ã€‚