Category: Gameplay Stellaris Mods


Divided Loyalties SA (2.7) Mod

More Conflicting Factions This mod introduces 15 new extremist factions, one for Xenophobes, and two for all other ethics. There are pros and cons to promoting, suppressing and banning each of the factions. Some...


AA’s Starbase Overhaul Mod

Starbases Overhauled Changes module and building slot scale to max out at 10 each. Changes Outposts to have a building slot. Adds a new policy for automating building in that slot. Buffs starbase buildings....


AA’s Ascendant Stars Mod

New Ascension Perks. Extended Ascendancy Paths.See slideshow for all the details. COMPATIBILITYDo not use with AlphaMod 2.7. All of this mod is in that already. Over-rides the following vanilla files:megastructures/05_gateways.txt Load Order: Try the...


AlphaMod: Invasion! (2.7) Mod

Better Ground Wars in AlphaMod This supplement does a lot of things. Makes several changes to War Exhaustion, including: defence armies now often have it, occupying planets is actually worth bothering with, and it...


Ultimate Automation Mod

This will automate some of the more tedious and clicky actions while playing Stellaris. If you’d like to read your events or manage the more important and time critical things, turn on all them...