Megastructure Cleaner
Remove Megastructures in a system. Currently this mod works fine with vanilla megasturctures. Here is the effect list: Ringworld: can be removed until first colony is finished.Dyson sphere: can be removed and build once...
Remove Megastructures in a system. Currently this mod works fine with vanilla megasturctures. Here is the effect list: Ringworld: can be removed until first colony is finished.Dyson sphere: can be removed and build once...
新建ç‘é¾™é—¨å®¢æ ˆï¼Œé™¤äº†æœ¬èº«çš„imbaåŠ æˆå¤–,æ供一个店主人工作和两个店å°äºŒå·¥ä½œï¼ŒåŒæ—¶æ¯20个人å£å†è¿½åŠ 一个店å°äºŒï¼åº—主人为星çƒæä¾›å‡èšåŠ›å’Œå•†ä¸šå€¼ï¼Œåº—å°äºŒå¢žåŠ 食物产出,并æä¾›é¢å¤–ä½å®…ï¼ æˆ‘çš„å…¶ä»–mod ï¼šåˆ›é€ æ–°çš„è™«æ´žï¼Œè¿…é€ŸæŽ¢ç´¢å®‡å®™ï¼šæ—§ç‰ˆå¼•æ“Žå…·æœ‰è¶…ä½Žçš„å†·å´æ—¶é—´ï¼Œä½†åœ¨è·³è·ƒåŽæœ‰ä¸€å®šæˆ˜æ–—力æŸå¤±ï¼šæŠŠæ°”æ€å·¨è¡Œæ˜Ÿè½¬åŒ–æˆç›–亚星çƒï¼šç§»é™¤ä¸éœ€è¦çš„巨型建ç‘:一个关于科å¦å®¶çš„事件系列,具有å„ç§æœ‰ç›ŠåŠ æˆï¼šå¯¹silfaeçš„ Animated Synthetic Portraits modæ供了新版更新:建立一个国内的高速贸易通é“,快速部署舰队并享å—其带æ¥çš„è´¸æ˜“åŠ æˆ: å‘其他玩家宣战,抢夺ç贵的å®ç‰©ï¼ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hotel Arch of Dragon offers you great positive buffs and two kinds of jobs: hostellers and garcons. Hostellers produce unity and increase the trade value...
This simple mod allows you to construct a special building on your habitats once you’ve researched the Mega-Engineering technology. It requires 4000 alloys and 150 influence (abstracting a complete overhaul of the entire habitat,...
This mod adds unique mechanics or play styles for empires via new civics, origins, & traits. They often warp your playstyle in various directions and have things you have to overcome to reap their...
更新:调整了作弊建ç‘çš„å²—ä½ï¼Œæ ¹æ®éƒ¨åˆ†æ°‘政会æä¾›ä¸åŒå²—ä½ã€‚å¦å¤–增强了3个建ç‘的效果 æ·»åŠ äº†ä¸‰ç§æ供一产资æºå·¥ä½œï¼ˆæŠ€å·¥ã€çŸ¿å·¥ã€å†œæ°‘ï¼‰å»ºç‘ æ¯ç§å„5级,分别æä¾› 2 / 4 / 6 / 8 / 10 ä¸ªå·¥ä½œå²—ä½ ä¸”åˆ†åˆ«æ供三ç§æ˜Ÿçƒbuff:人å£é£Ÿç‰©ç»´æŠ¤è´¹å‡å°‘ã€å»ºç‘电力维护费å‡å°‘和工作矿物维护费å‡å°‘ åŽä¸‰ä¸ªç‰çº§çš„建ç‘è¦ç”¨ç¨€æœ‰èµ„æºå»ºé€ åŠç»´æŠ¤ã€‚ 以åŠæ·»åŠ 了 ã€æ—¶ä¹‹è™«ã€‘事件链 给的å‰ä¸¤ä¸ªç§‘技对应的建ç‘:ã€èžºæ—‹å‘电机】 å’Œã€åœ†çŽ¯å¦é™¢ã€‘, 并且增强了ã€æ¬§ç±³èŒ„é˜µåˆ—ã€‘éƒ½èƒ½æ ¹æ®æ˜Ÿçƒäººå£æä¾›å²—ä½ å¦å¤–æ·»åŠ äº†ä¸‰ç§èƒ½æ ¹æ®äººå£æä¾›ã€æ— é™ã€‘å²—ä½çš„作弊建ç‘:ã€å¼‚ç•Œåé‡åŠ›é‡‘å—塔】ã€ã€è¿œå¤é»‘科技工厂】和ã€å¤©é¡¶æ˜Ÿå·¥ä½œæˆ¿ã€‘(工作比人å£å¤šï¼‰ åªèƒ½é€šè¿‡æŽ§åˆ¶å°èŽ·å¾—: event rtbuildings.1 我很å¯çˆ±ï¼Œè¯·è®¢é˜…ã€ç‚¹èµžå’Œæ”¶è—我的MOD_(:зã€âˆ )_
Adds industrial districts to planets as described in dev diary 190. Governments that do not use Consumer Goods will get an extra Alloys job from the Industrial District (currently unclear how this will actually...