Category: Graphics Stellaris Mods


Ratty Ratlings Mod

Changes the Ketlings and Racket to have a much more rat like appearance. Replaces Ketling, Racket, Fully Animated. ====[READ ME]====This is a replacer, not a standalone mod.Achievement/Iron Man Compatible.Should work with multiplayer (but only...


Alternative Human Royal Uniforms Mod

The mod just replaces the human royal uniforms with the space elf/vulcan/humanoid 05 ones. Because this simply replaces the graphic files, it should work with multiplayer/ironman or any other human uniform mods, just make...


Ethical Gestalts BETA Mod

The aim of this mod is to allow gestalt consciousnesses to have ethics, from both a mechanical and a flavor perspective. It is currently not showing obvious errors at start but given its complexity...


Distinct Galaxy Map Icons Mod

2.7.+ Compatible Gives megastructures and l-gates more distinct galaxy map icons, making it easier to distinguish them from starbases, wormholes and gateways on larger maps.


History of the Lost Empire Mod

History of the Lost Empire 在星辰诞生数亿年之åŽï¼Œç¬¬ä¸€æ‰¹æ–‡æ˜Žå¼€å§‹å‡ºçŽ°ï¼Œä»–们中的幸è¿å„¿æœ‰äº›å¯ä»¥å¾—到最åˆçš„残留,æˆä¸ºå¼ºå¤§çš„å¸å›½……..但是…..时间的浪潮会洗去一切的尘埃,这些传奇å¸å›½çš„传说也就此消失。在2200年,我们摆脱了行星é‡åŠ›äº•çš„æŸç¼šï¼Œå¼€å§‹è¿ˆå…¥æ·±ç©ºï¼Œå°½ç®¡åœ¨è¿ˆå…¥æ·±ç©ºä¹‹å‰æœ‰éƒ¨åˆ†äººå°±çŒœæµ‹è¿‡æˆ‘们的å¦ä¸€ç§åŽ†å²ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯å¤§éƒ¨åˆ†äººä»ç„¶æŽ¥å—的是,我们进化演å˜åŽ†å²ä½†è°ä¹Ÿä¸ä¼šçŸ¥é“,深空中会ä¸ä¼šè•´è—瀅..足以改写我们ç§æ—历å²çš„东西…… Hundreds of millions of years after the stars were born, the first civilizations began to appear, and some of them were lucky enough to get their first remnants...