Diplomatic Expansion: Hegemony/外交拓展:霸权

Diplomatic Expansion: Hegemony/外交拓展:霸权


This MOD must be based on to work normally!


Series MOD

你是å¦åŽŒçƒ¦ç¾¤æ˜Ÿçš„简å•ç®€æ˜“外交系统,那åªæœ‰ç¾žè¾± 宣称 宣战的实际价值的外交,我们对这样的外交并ä¸æ»¡æ„,所以,在这个mod,玩家将体验到å¤æ‚和有趣的外交,我们试图用这个modæ¥è®©ç¾¤æ˜Ÿçš„外交æˆä¸ºä¸€ä¸ªä¸æ˜¯åªæœ‰å®£æˆ˜çš„外交。



兼容性:我åªæ”¹å˜äº†å¤–交之中的“羞辱â€é€‰é¡¹ï¼Œç†è®ºä¸Šæ¥è¯´åªæœ‰æ”¹äº†å¤–交之中的“羞辱â€modæ‰ä¼šä¸å…¼å®¹ï¼ŒUI是é¢å¤–添加的,ä¸ä¼šå’Œå…¶ä»–UI modå‘生冲çª

本mod改å˜äº†åŽŸç‰ˆâ€œä¾®è¾±â€çš„选项,将其改å˜ä¸ºå¼•å‡ºæœ¬mod的主è¦å†…容的选项(因为蠢驴貌似用硬代ç é™åˆ¶äº†mod修改外交,使得mod无法增加新的选项,迫ä¸å¾—已退而求其次),主è¦å†…容目å‰æœ‰ï¼šæŠ•èµ„系统,国际影å“力系统,声誉系统
2.国际影å“力系统,本系统主è¦æ˜¯é€šè¿‡ä½¿ç”¨åŒ…括投资,直接消耗影å“力资æºï¼Œäº‹ä»¶ï¼ˆè®¡åˆ’中)等手段积累对其他国家的国际影å“力以æ¢å–对该国进行å„ç§æ‰‹æ®µçš„å¯èƒ½ï¼Œæ¯”如策划罢工,暴动,甚至改å˜æ”¿æƒï¼Œè®©ä»–们å˜æˆä½ çš„附庸国等,从而实现用较为和平的办法实现扩张或者划分势力范围等

Are you tired of the simple simple diplomacy system of the stars, that only humiliates and declares the actual value of the diplomacy, we are not satisfied with such diplomacy, so in this mod, players will experience complex and interesting diplomacy, we tried to use this mod to make the diplomacy of the stars a diplomacy that is not just a declaration of war.Welcome everyone to subscribe

Basic introduction
This mod aims to improve the relatively weak diplomatic system of the original version, so as to increase the possibility of non armed conflict and conquest, so as to satisfy those players who do not like to fight all the time and increase the possible game experience.
Feature systems and changes
This mod has changed the option of “insult” in the original version to the option that leads to the main content of this mod (because paradox seem to limit mod’s modification diplomacy with hard code, which makes mod unable to add new options and has no choice but to take the second place). The main contents currently include: investment system, international influence system and reputation system

Compatibility: I only change the “insult” option,as long as others don’t change this, it’s compatible.This mod is compatible with other UI mods.If you encounter other incompatibilities, please leave a message.

1. Investment system, this system is mainly used to obtain the investors’ international influence and reputation for the investee by means of investing in other countries, while the investee will obtain corresponding zoning or buildings or resources according to the investment direction and investment amount, so that players can gradually master and control and develop other countries in a less aggressive way.

2. International influence system. This system mainly accumulates international influence on other countries by means of investment, direct consumption of influence resources, events (planned) and other means, in exchange for the possibility of carrying out various means to the country, such as planning strikes, riots, even changing the regime, so as to achieve a more peaceful way Expand or divide spheres of influence, etc

3. Reputation system. This system is mainly used to provide an additional evaluation correction. When your reputation value is low, you will get very serious negative diplomatic evaluation, and vice versa. Of course, if you are strong enough, you don’t have to care. Reputation is mainly reduced by declaring war on countries with good relations or entering aggressive war for a long time or being forced by other countries to use international influence. At present, the promotion is mainly based on investment and being in a state of peace

4. Add a series of organizations under the galactic community, mainly used to simulate some international treaties/organizations (under the organizational framework of the galactic community, similar to the subordinate organizations of the United Nations). When you enter the galactic community, you will see To some international treaty proposals, these proposals are similar to the original Community bill. After this bill is passed, as long as the treaty is not abolished by the next bill, anyone can enter and exit freely (in the national legal interface, the cost is affected Power) (So far, the system is still not complete)

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