Industrial Districts 2.8.1

Industrial Districts 2.8.1

Adds industrial districts to planets as described in dev diary 190. Governments that do not use Consumer Goods will get an extra Alloys job from the Industrial District (currently unclear how this will actually be handled in 2.9).

Factories and Foundries are also capped at 1 per planet, but the upgraded versions of them provide +1 and +2 jobs of their type to each Industrial district on the planet (also described in dev diary 190).

Factory and Forge World planet designations will also shift a worker from the other type to the designated type if applicable, as described in dev diary 192 (Forge Worlds will have -1 Artisan and +1 Metallurgist for example). There is currently no tool-tip for this (that’s on the TODO).

This mod also incorporates the changes to the Food Processing Center, Mineral Purification Hub, and Energy Nexus as described in dev diary 192 (they provide an extra job to each of their associated resource production districts).

Overrides the following Vanilla districts/buildings (building overrides are mostly just to add tool-tips, district overrides are to add extra jobs from the buildings):

building_foundry_1, building_foundry_2, building_foundry_3
building_factory_1, building_factory_2, building_factory_3

district_generator, district_generator_uncapped
district_farming, district_farming_uncapped
district_mining, district_mining_uncapped

Overwrites the following Vanilla files:


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