Stellaris Mods


GET Technology Mod

This mod is a cheating tool that can make you able to acquire specific categories oftech in vanilla game or some famous mods. 这个mod是一个帮助你定å‘获å–原版和一些知åmod的特定类别科技的作弊工具。 请将本mod置于支æŒçš„mod的下方,或者直接置于mod列表最下方。当所支æŒmod更新新的科技时,å¯èƒ½ä¸ä¼šç¬¬ä¸€æ—¶é—´æ›´æ–°ã€‚ Attention! This mod should be located in the launcher...


Extended Strategic Resources Produce Mod

Don’t your think that was stupid? Your empire can build a huge city world with antigravity tech, but never increase productivity of those producible strategic resource even a little bit, and never improve their...


Limit Pops by Housing/Jobs Mod

Stellaris always seems to lag late game. As everyone knows. Population/Jobs seem to be the main cause of such issues what with the game running a bajillion checks a day or whatever. I would...