Stellaris Mods


Apocalypse Molluscoid Ships: 2.7 Mod

The following is an updated (with permission) version of kelstr’s Apocalypse Ship Set, which is based on the Molluscoid ships in the Apocalypse reveal trailer. Most significantly fixing the habitats, adding the Juggernaut, retexturing...


Hyperbattleship Mod

Important notice: Highly recommended use another Mod called , or it may cause several bugs (I guessed about 0.01% probability) because of the Hyperbattleship’s bigger size. Of course, if you have other mod that...


Mastery of Life: Wonders in the Void Mod

Add-on for Mastery of Life: Where Paths Meet (v1.5.0) FEATURES The Wonders in the Void submod tweaks a couple vanilla megastructures and adds a new one. Dyson Sphere Removes construction limitations on Dyson Spheres...