Stellaris Mods


Machine Void Dwellers + Gestalt Fixes Mod

“Why wasn’t this in the base game?” What this mod does: Allows Machine Intelligences to have the Void Dweller Origin– Machine Void Dwellers get +1 Technician drone from habitat generator districts– that’s it– Also...


More Bombardment Mod

MOAR BOMBS!This mod increases the maximum fleet size that adds to bombardment rate from 200 to 1500. It doesn’t make bombardment accelerate any faster; having a fleet size of 200 will give a bombing...


Crowded World Origin 2.7 Mod

2.5 / Civic version (OLD): 2.3 / Original by AlphaAsh: (yes, the origin image is just a part of the dreadnought background but pink) Start with an overpopulated homeworld (60 pops and a couple...