Stellaris Mods


Hands of State (2.7) Mod

A small collection of additional governor traits AccountantThis leader is a number cruncher who can squeeze energy credits out of a rock.Energy Output From Jobs: +5%Trade Value: + 10%Pop Happiness: -5% ConciliatorThis leader knows...


! 00 Infinite Graphic II – UI Minification Mod

Infinite Stellaris Graphic Pack II – UI Minificationå°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包II – æžç®€åŒ–UI <å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包立志于筛选优质美术素æ并将其èžåˆåœ¨ä¸€ä¸ªmod中以优化è¿è¡Œæ•ˆçŽ‡><The infinite graphic pack is determined to collect high-quality art materials and integrate them into one mod to optimize performance.><> å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包系列/ Infinite Graphic Collection...


Fallen Empire Attitude Fix Mod

Simple mod that fixes the attitudes of fallen empires. Currently fallen empire attitudes* are broken and are based off of the opinion of the other empire towards them, instead of their opinion towards that...


AM/C.U.I./P&E CP (2.7) Mod

Adds Propaganda and Espionage’s topbar additions to the end of the extended topbar of C.U.I. LOAD ORDERTOPAlphaMod 2.7SLEXPropaganda and EspionageAlphaMod: C.U.I. (2.7)AM/C.U.I/P&E CP (2.7)BOTTOM