Stellaris Mods


Additional Ascension Perks For Mod

Additional Ascension Perks If you have ever played Endless Space, you must know the Dust. Now with this mod it’s possible for you to Ascension with the Dust. You are the Endless. List of...


[JP localize patch]Extra Events Stellaris

Extra Events 日本語化パッチ これはBürgermeister様製作の「Extra Events」を日本語化するものです。言語ファイルのみで構成されておりますので、元MODである 「Extra Events」と「Japanese Language mod」をサブスクライブして頂く必要があります。この場を借りて製作者様にお礼を申し上げます。 This patch is to translate “Extra Events” by “Bürgermeister” into japanease. So,this patch requires “Extra Events” and “Japanese Language mod”.I am very grateful to creator.


Myth Star Names for Stellaris

Adds 65,000+ names for stars (700ish for Nebula, 900ish for Black Holes) drawn from world Mythology and Folklore, as well as from fiction (Sci-Fi and Fantasy primarily), rounded out with a mix of real...


Slow it Down for Stellaris

What does this mod do? It more than doubles research time as your empire expands. In vanilla each planet adds 10% to your research time and population (over ten pops) adds 1% each. This...