Playable Fallens ALT 2.8

Playable Fallens ALT 2.8

Based on Twink’s Fallen Empires, but rebuilt from the ground up.

AKA: Less fluff and more compatible.

– Start as a Fallen Empire.
HOWTO: Select a Fanatic ethic or Gestalt, then select the Empire in Decline and Lethargic Leadership civics.
Don’t worry if you picked machine, the event will swap them out for the appropriate civics.
Hives are currently not supported.

– “Small” 5-year modifier to help setup your desired FE position.

– Edict to Awaken, or… become a regular empire, with the same requirements as vanilla FE’s awakening

– Partial compatibility with ethic-adding mods (the mod will work, it just isn’t made for them)

– FE City sets and Ship types are selectable. (If you’re playing with mods that already do this, there will be some duplicates.)

Tested with 2.8, please notify of any problems.

Overwrites minimum ethic points, nothing else

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