Smarter Ship Design [3.1]

Smarter Ship Design [3.1]
This mod aims to guide the AI empires to design its ship designs more effectively. Additionally it adds several ship sections I felt were lacking, mainly for guided weapons. If you use auto-generated ship designs those will also be improved.
The mod works fine on its own, but for an even better effect it can be combined with my other mod .
The mod only has English localization. If you play in another language you might prefer the “International Edition” variant of the mod, which alters existing sections instead of providing new ones. You can find it
The section selection weights have been rewritten and the AI will now pick them based on what technologies it has and what kind of weapons it prefers based on its :
- Sections with M slots are the default. This is because M slots are the most universal and decent against everything (before they get outclassed by advanced heavy guns).
- Empires that prefer energy or kinetic weapons will favor sections with L slots over sections with S, M, or G slots if they have kinetic artillery or particle launchers researched.
- Empires that prefer strike craft or kinetic weapons will favor sections with G slots over sections with M slots if their missiles are more advanced than their guns.
- Empires that prefer missiles will almost always choose to use missile sections.
- Empires that prefer energy weapons will almost never use missile sections.
- Empires that prefer strike craft will almost always use the ship section with the most hangars.
- Empires that have more advanced autocannons than they do lasers, mass drivers, or plasma will favor sections with S slots over sections with M slots.
- Empires that have more advanced PD than they do normal weapons will favor sections with PD slots over sections with S or M slots.
- Empires that prefer energy weapons will favor sections with PD slots already if their PD is of equivalent tech level to their lasers and plasma.
- All battleships will switch over to Spinal Mount Bows after an X sized weapon is researched.
- After battleships are researched Corvettes and Destroyers will more commonly use PD weapons.
- Empires that research Scourge Missiles will learn to love missile sections.
- Missile Bow (1G 2S)
- Missile Stern (1G)
- Missile Stern (1G)
- Picket Ship Stern (2P)
- Missile Bow (4G)
- Missile Core (2L 2G)
- Missile Stern (2G)
- Suicide Bomber (3G; no utility slots for armor/shields)
- Torpedo Barrage Bow (3G; -2 utility slots)
- Torpedo Barrage Stern (2G; -2 utility slots)
- Artillery Stern (1L; -2 utility slots)
- All standard stern sections have 2 small utility slots for armor/shields
- Picket Ship Bow: replaced 6 S utility slots with 3 M utility slots (resulting in about 25% more armor/shields).
- Broadside Bow (2S 1M 1L)
- Broadside Core (2L 2M)
The disabled sections are no longer available for use in new designs, but any old designs that use them will not be invalidated. This should allow you to safely add the mod in the middle of an ongoing game.
This is a gameplay altering mod and as such it will prevent you from getting achievements.
The mod replaces four files:
1) …/Stellaris/common/section_templates/battleship.txt
2) …/Stellaris/common/section_templates/corvette.txt
3) …/Stellaris/common/section_templates/cruiser.txt
4) …/Stellaris/common/section_templates/destroyer.txt
It will be incompatible with any mod that also edits these same files, but should be compatible with all the mods that don’t. It may also be technically compatible but effectively incompatible with a mod that dramatically alters ship design in some other way.
The mod only has English localization. If you play in another language you might prefer the “International Edition” variant of the mod, which alters existing sections instead of providing new ones. You can find it .
Not compatible with NSC.
I would be grateful if you could rate the mod with either thumbs up or thumbs down. If you rate it with a thumbs up and you really enjoy it, please consider also marking it as a favorite. If you like this mod you might also like one of .
I also created a