Tagged: Azur Lane Stellaris Mods


Azur Lane repeatable tech integration

Physics01—planet jobs energy+ship shield Physics02—energy weapon damage+energy weapon fire ratePhysics03—military station damage+military station hull+strike craft weapon damage+strike craft weapon fire ratePhysics04—building build speed+building build cost Society01—planet jobs food+leader ageSociety02—country admin cap+edict lengthSociety03—army damage+army healthSociety04—naval...


Azur Lane repeatable tech integration

Physics01—planet jobs energy+ship shield Physics02—energy weapon damage+energy weapon fire ratePhysics03—military station damage+military station hull+strike craft weapon damage+strike craft weapon fire ratePhysics04—building build speed+building build cost Society01—planet jobs food+leader ageSociety02—country admin cap+edict lengthSociety03—army damage+army healthSociety04—naval...


Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol Mod

Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for .It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI...


Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol Mod

Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for .It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI...


Azur Lane The Galaxy Idol Mod

Azur Lane Stellaris DLC The Galaxy Idol This mod is an optional content expansion package for .It is mainly the unique content of μ series KANSEN in the Azur Lane game. A new UI...


碧蓝航线 Mod

奇奇怪怪的MOD,游æˆâ€œç¢§è“航线(Azur Lane)â€çš„厨力å‘mod平衡性:无感谢å„ä½dalao能玩这个mod。如果mod里有什么问题就说出æ¥å§ã€‚æ­¤mod一切素ææ¥è‡ªäº’è”网,立绘著作æƒå½’画师所有。未完戗目å‰å†…容:1.特殊开局星系2.特质3.领袖(飞å‡åŽç«‹ç»˜æ›´æ¢é—®é¢˜ï¼šç‚¹æ³•ä»¤ï¼Œé¢†è¢–立绘æ¢å¤ï¼‰4.民政ä½ï¼Œæ”¿ä½“5.专属建筑,资æºï¼Œæ–°å¢žèŒä¸šã€‚原版UI无法显示全部区划6.法令7.科技8.飞å‡9.武器,组件10.新的陆军11.添加了很多奇怪的东西。12.对碧è“çš„ç§æ—立绘mod也有修改,所以需è¦æŽ’在ç§æ—mod下é¢ã€‚事件? 已知问题:1.修改了ç†æƒ³åŸŽå’Œæˆ˜èˆ°åŒºæ®µçš„文件,与其他mod兼容性未知。2.战舰区段与模型交互问题3.æ¯æ˜ŸåŒºåˆ’与ai交互问题4.还有啥我也ä¸çŸ¥é“了5.6. 消除红标å¯ä»¥åˆ°ï¼šæ­¤ç”µè„‘文档Paradox InteractiveStellarismod里,把相对应的(.mod)文件删了就行,其他mod也一样。