Tagged: Game Update Stellaris Mods


The Zenith of Fallen Empires: Origins

For over 10000 years, two ancient empires lay in ruins, forgotten while the galaxy moved on. But survivors of these mighty civilizations may yet sprout from the ashes of the Great Crusade and reclaim...


The Zenith of Fallen Empires: Origins

For over 10000 years, two ancient empires lay in ruins, forgotten while the galaxy moved on. But survivors of these mighty civilizations may yet sprout from the ashes of the Great Crusade and reclaim...


The Zenith of Fallen Empires: Defines

The Zenith of Fallen Empires: Defines is created in response to several reports that using certain powerful ships from can result in fleet power overflow, which then causes funky calculations that affects both diplomatic...


The Zenith of Fallen Empires: Origins

For over 10000 years, two ancient empires lay in ruins, forgotten while the galaxy moved on. But survivors of these mighty civilizations may yet sprout from the ashes of the Great Crusade and reclaim...