Tagged: UI Stellaris Mods


Fleet Manager Overhaul 1080p Mod

Stellaris: 2.7.* Ironman/Achievement Compatible Overhauls the fleet manager UI for 1080p. The fleet manager is restructured to better utilize available screen space and clearly show information about fleets. This mod does not fix any...


Fleet Manager Overhaul 1080p Mod

Stellaris: 2.7.* Ironman/Achievement Compatible Overhauls the fleet manager UI for 1080p. The fleet manager is restructured to better utilize available screen space and clearly show information about fleets. This mod does not fix any...


AlphaMod: C.U.I. (2.7) Mod

Custom UI elements for AlphaMod including support for NSC2 and other mod resources Developed for 3440×1440, with UI scaling set to 1.8. Feel free to try lower resolutions and different UI scalings, and report...


! 00 Infinite Graphic II – UI Minification Mod

Infinite Stellaris Graphic Pack II – UI Minificationå°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包II – æžç®€åŒ–UI <å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包立志于筛选优质美术素æ并将其èžåˆåœ¨ä¸€ä¸ªmod中以优化è¿è¡Œæ•ˆçŽ‡><The infinite graphic pack is determined to collect high-quality art materials and integrate them into one mod to optimize performance.><> å°ä¼žç¾ŽåŒ–包系列/ Infinite Graphic Collection...