Tagged: Void Dwellers Stellaris Mods


Isolated Home System 3.0

Know issues When you are not open the prerequisites mod , this mod will not be run. I am finding and fixing. If ok the prerequisites will not have necessary to enable由于一个未知的问题。导致本modå¿…é¡»è¦å’Œå¤¸ç‰¹ä¸€èµ·å¼€ï¼Œå¦åˆ™å¼€å±€ä¼šçˆ†ç‚¸ï¼Œè¿™ä¸ªé—®é¢˜æˆ‘正常处ç†ï¼Œåœ¨æˆ‘处ç†å¥½ä¹‹å‰ï¼Œå°†éœ€è¦å¼€å¯å¤¸ç‰¹mod,处ç†å¥½ä¹‹åŽå°±ä¸å†éœ€è¦å‰ç½®çš„夸特mod了 添加了一ç§ç‰¹æ®Šçš„åˆå§‹æ˜Ÿç³»ï¼ŒçŽ©å®¶çš„国家将会出生在一个åƒL星团一样与世隔ç»çš„星团内,外é¢çš„舰船åªèƒ½è¿è·ƒæˆ–使用一ç§ç‰¹æ®Šçš„星门进入这个星团。特殊起æºâ€œç ´ç¢Žä¹‹çŽ¯â€å’Œâ€œè™šç©ºå±…者â€æ‹¥æœ‰æ›¿ä»£èµ·æºâ€œå­¤ç«‹ä¹‹çŽ¯â€å’Œâ€œå­¤ç«‹å±…者â€ï¼Œå®ƒä»¬é™¤äº†è®©çŽ©å®¶å‡ºç”Ÿåœ¨å­¤ç«‹æ˜Ÿå›¢å†…部外与原æ¥çš„èµ·æºæ²¡æœ‰åŒºåˆ«ã€‚ Added...


The Necrotic Plague

Adds a custom origin called “Tomb World Necrophages” – which is a combination of Tomb World, Necrophage, and Void Dwellers origin. The empire is infected by a plague, the plague spreads whenever a host...


The Necrotic Plague

Adds a custom origin called “Tomb World Necrophages” – which is a combination of Tomb World, Necrophage, and Void Dwellers origin. The empire is infected by a plague, the plague spreads whenever a host...


The Necrotic Plague Mod

Adds a custom origin called “Tomb World Necrophages” – which is a combination of Tomb World, Necrophage, and Void Dwellers origin. The empire is infected by a plague, the plague spreads whenever a host...


Habitat Adjunct Modules Mod

Requires version 2.7.* because Advanced Habitats and Orbital Worlds didn’t exist before.Based on . This adds the option to build more districts on your habitats by allowing you to construct adjunct modules. These show...