!Arcane Heritage – Better Magical Worlds

!Arcane Heritage – Better Magical Worlds

is a fun mod, but Magical worlds are a bit disappointing. They take a long time to create, and in the end only provide a few jobs and a few buffs to general empire/planet modifiers. The Magical Planetary Modifiers affect nothing about magic resources.

So I set out to make a small mod that would allow for more magic interactions with magical planets, to make converting to magical world worthwhile for magic reasons.

This mod that adds:
– A “district” (actually tile blocker) that provides mana harvester jobs. Build them with a repeatable planetary decision, and remove them as any other tile blocker.

This mod changes:
– Arcane Gateways are now affected by megastructure bonuses, and have a different icon from normal gateways (or archaeological dig sites in 2.5.*).
– Magical worlds and certain Magical planetary modifiers to give bonus to Mana Crystal and Arcane Technology job production.


Add this mod at least one below Arcane Heritage in the (new)mod loader’s mod order. Old mod loader (if still available) will automatically load this first.

If you place it above Arcane Heritage in your new mod loader, the changes will not apply. So only the “district” (and its placing decision) would be available.


This mod is released with 2.3 compatibiliy, but runs just fine up to 2.8.1 version. Just ignore the little red triangle in the mod.

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