Arkchitecture Shipsets

Arkchitecture Shipsets


This mod is a remake of Project ARK where instead of kitbashing ships through code, we go the extra mile and make actual models using vanilla models. This mod aims to introduce new shipsets that use vanilla assets. This mod basically is a idea dump for shipset ideas.


– All new shipsets made with vanilla assets.
– Shipset accounting for each sections of a ship class instead of 1 model per ship class.

Currently Available Shipsets:

– Terrahuman – A Mammalian based shipset that takes design notes from generic sci-fi ship designs and naval ship designs.

Currently Planned Shipsets:

– Biomass – I plan to change this from Project Ark to look more alien on design and less conventional in how it looks. Unfortunately animations will be cut as custom mesh work will break the existing Paradox animations unless I redo all animations by hand.
– Salvager – Also from Project Ark, I plan to keep the aesthetic and design principle for this one as salvaged ships that are rough or worn out.
– Empira – This one was under light development before I decided to switch to actual models as it was easier and more flexible to changes. This style focuses on Reptilian shipset with a more grand or militaristic design scheme.


Q: Is NSC supported?:
A: No. Unfortunately I gave up supporting NSC as it has too many ship class to support and the mod keeps changing and adding more over time which would be hard to keep supporting for this mod on top of my other mods and projects.

Q: Can you alter a ship looks?
A: Depending on the suggestion I may take it to account as this mod is a idea dump so new ideas are welcome but not guaranteed to be made or fulfilled.

Q: Can I suggest a shipset?
A: Of course! I don’t guarantee it being made but I may try make it if I felt like it

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