Custom Spawn Fallen Empires

Custom Spawn Fallen Empires
With this mod Fallen Empires will spawn with the species of a premade or custom empire 100% of the time. The custom empire needs to be allowed to spawn and Fallen Empires can only spawn as species from custom empires that have the same ethic.
For example the materialistic Fallen Empire could spawn as Lok or Voor (both premade empires are materialistic), but by default it can’t spawn as Tzynn (because the Tzynn Empire isn’t materialistic).
The machine fallen empire can spawn as any machine intelligence empire from among the premade and custom empires.
Humans are a special case. I ran many tests but never got the UNE or CoM to spawn as a FE, so I am 99% sure they can’t. However, after I enabled Human custom empires those could spawn as FEs, despite being edited forms UNE and CoM.
So if you want to use this mod but don’t want Human FEs you’d have to get rid of any materialistic, spiritualistic, xenophobic, and xenophilic custom Human empires. However, custom Human empires that are only some combination of authoritarian, egalitarian, miitaristic, pacifistic, and gestalt will not spawn as FEs becuase they do not match the ethics of any FE.
The mod was made for Stellaris 2.8 (Necroids patch), but should work fine with any version of the game, even after being outdated.
The mod only changes one setting in the defines in a non-intrusive way, so it’s compatible with pretty much every single other mod in existence. The only exception are other mods that change the chance of Fallen Empires spawning as custom/premade empires.
This is a gameplay altering mod, so it will prevent you from getting achievements.
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