Ethical Gestalts for 3.0.x

Ethical Gestalts for 3.0.x

The aim of this mod is to allow gestalt consciousnesses to have ethics, from both a mechanical and a flavor perspective. It also allows gestalts to use a number of origins they cannot use in Vanilla.

This is done mainly by removing the Gestalt Consciousness ethic from the game, transferring most of its effects to the Machine Intelligence and Hive Mind authorities, and providing new AI personalities for gestalt consciousnesses with various ethics.

Other stuff this mod does:
* Gestalt consciousnesses are now much less limited in what species rights they can grant to xenos, and may use planetary decisions to replace Simple Drone jobs with Worker jobs for xenos to work. The Singlemind Governance technology also allows gesalts to replace fabricator/foundry drone jobs with specialist jobs. In addition to gestalts being able to give xenos residency citizenship or a wider range of slavery or purge types, Xenophile Machine Intelligences may use the Bio-Trophy citizenship type even without the Rogue Servitors civic.
* Gestalt consciousnesses gain access to a wider range of policies; they may now outlaw purges, slavery, land appropriation, or population controls. Gestalts which have outlawed land appropriation face limitations on their ability to replace worker jobs with drone jobs. Gestalts which have outlawed population control may still limit drone reproduction as much as they like, but cannot limit xeno reproduction.
* Xeno residents in gestalt countries can form factions, although these factions cannot be embraced and do not produce influence
* Hive minds may shift ethics via edict, and the cost of influence.
* The opinion maluses of regular empires to gestalts are greatly reduced but not eliminated.
* The Verifiable Reprogramming technology allows countries to shift a machine intelligence’s ethos by war victory.
* Countries which have outlawed AI now gain a Total War CB against Machine Intelligences.
* Adds several new civics for Gestalt Consciousnesses (Guest Hive, Hive Assimilator, Unprincipled, and Dynamic Morality).
* Guest Hives may enter into migration agreements, and given such agreements may establish branch offices. Their drones may migrate to planets where they have branch offices, and will form a faction whose Approval level is derived from the Hive Mind’s opinion of the host.
* The Identity Unification ascenscion perk lets a country transform into a gestalt consciousness.
* Several events now have variants for Gestalt Consciousnesses.
* Various other minor changes.

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