!Expanded Stellaris Traditions ACOT Patch

!Expanded Stellaris Traditions ACOT Patch

This is a small compatibility patch between the mods and . It corrects an error that prevents you from researching Enigmatic and Stellarite tech. Place below these mods in your load order.

A more detailed explanation:

One of the ways to unlock the first tier of dark matter tech (Enigmatic level) is to hold a science convention and then research three technologies to unlock the dark matter reactor tech. Those three technologies are Dark Matter Generation, Dark Matter Containment, and Dark Matter Application.

In order to be able to get those techs as an option, your scientist needs to be level 6 or more, and possess one of a list of traits. One in particular is the Spark of Genius trait, which normally gives +10% research speed, and can be used to unlock Enigmatic tech.

The issue arises with the Academy tradition tree in the Expanded Stellaris Traditions mod. Upon completion of that tree, your scientists get certain traits upgraded to a better one upon reaching level 5.

In practice, this means that the Spark of Genius trait gets replaced with a trait of the same name that gives +20% research speed instead. However, ACOT does not recognise this new trait, even though it displays in-game as Spark of Genius.

This meant that I was stuck wondering why the special techs weren’t appearing for my scientists who clearly had the Spark of Genius trait (or so I thought). It also meant that any leader who spawned with the original Spark of Genius trait would have it replaced upon gaining level 5 – meaning that none of your level 6+ leaders could have the ‘correct’ Spark of Genius trait that could spawn Enigmatic techs.

So this patch enables ACOT to recognise the EST Academy version of Spark of Genius as a valid trait, and thus you will be able to research the aforementioned dark matter techs. I’ve made it so that the same effect happens for when you want to discover Stellarite, which requires a similar procedure. In fact, whilst there are a few different ways to get Enigmatic tech, this is the only way to get Stellarite tech.

Any feedback, please comment below.

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