Faster Unity and Tradition For Mod

Faster Unity and Tradition For Mod


Decreases your Unity Penalties by 50%. So you can still take some traditions without being depressed that you have such a huge empire ????


While conquering all systems and planets in the galaxy you are going to realise that you require a lot of time taking new traditions. This is my solution.


Just play, it is already activated.


Penalty is decreased for both all players and the AI.

It is savegame compatibel.

It is compatible with all other mods. It just adds a few lines to the code.


by AlphaSequence

Sheev Palpatine
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What is Stellaris mods?

A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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