Federation Origins

Federation Origins
Federation Origins
This mod adds a total of 10 Origins and 10 Civics
for those that are interested
United We Stand
Start as the leader of a Galactic Union Federation
Origin Equivalent of Galactic Contender
Union’s Trust
Start as a member of a Galactic Union Federation lead by United We Stand/Galactic Contender
Origin Equivalent of United
Grand Emperor
Start as the leader of a Hegemony Federation
Origin Equivalent of Dominion Of The Gates
An Emperor’s Hand
Start as a member of a Hegemony Federation lead by Grand Emperor/Dominion Of The Gates
Origin Equivalent of Bound By Fate
Defensive Archon
Start as the leader of a Martial Alliance Federation
Origin Equivalent of Minister Of Defense
Galactic Adeptus
Start as a member of a Martial Alliance Federation lead by Defensive Archon/Minister Of Defense
Origin Equivalent of Backline Support
Nerdy Nexus
Start as the leader of a Research Federation
Origin Equivalent of Science Director
Test Subject
Start as a member of a Research Federation lead by Defensive Archon/Minister Of Defense
Origin Equivalent of Scientific Experiment
Megalomaniac Megacorp
Start as the leader of a Trade Federation
Origin Equivalent of Mr. Mogul
Esoteric Startup
Start as a member of a Trade Federation lead by Megalomaniac Megacorp/Mr. Mogul
Origin Equivalent of Subsidiary
Galactic Contender
Start as the leader of a Galactic Union Federation
Civic Equivalent of United We Stand
Start as a member of a Galactic Union Federation lead by United We Stand/Galactic Contender
Civic Equivalent of Union’s Trust
Dominion Of The Gates
Start as the leader of a Hegemony Federation
Civic Equivalent of Grand Emperor
Bound By Fate
Start as a member of a Hegemony Federation lead by Grand Emperor/Dominion Of The Gates
Civic Equivalent of An Emperor’s Hand
Minister Of Defense
Start as the leader of a Martial Alliance Federation
Civic Equivalent of Defensive Archon
Backline Support
Start as a member of a Martial Alliance Federation lead by Defensive Archon/Minister Of Defense
Civic Equivalent of Galactic Adeptus
Nerdy Nexus
Start as the leader of a Research Federation
Civic Equivalent of Science Director
Scientific Experiment
Start as a member of a Research Federation lead by Defensive Archon/Minister Of Defense
Civic Equivalent of Test Subject
Mr. Mogul
Start as the leader of a Trade Federation
Civic Equivalent of Megalomaniac Megacorp
Start as a member of a Trade Federation lead by Megalomaniac Megacorp/Mr. Mogul
Civic Equivalent of Esoteric Startup