Grand Origin Incubator

Grand Origin Incubator

Grand Origin Incubator

This is a merged mod from my with handpicked mods all about origins. All packed together in a single mod-file. Main idea is to have it added to a game setup with a single click, plus to make localisation central and easy to do. This project is made to save loading time and efforts, which I like to share to you for your convenience.

This is a standalone mod, which is aiming to combine with other (yet planned) GPS mods about a specific topic to create a quite unique gaming playset for your Stellaris game.

Included Mods

Distant Origin (granted)
Extra Origins (2.8) (granted)
Origin “Dawn of Mars” (granted)
Origin “Exodus from Earth” (granted)

on kindest request of @AlphaAsh I decided to take #MODJAM2020 out, until the other involved modders or Nvidia give me their allowance to cut his Caretaker off from the modpack
Subterranean Origin (granted)
Ancient Juggernaut Origin (granted)
Primitive Worlds (2.7) (granted)
!Primitive Worlds Adjustments (granted)
Origins of Civilization (granted)
Basic Ordinary Origins (granted)
More Default Origins (granted)


Planned to be compatbile with other GPS mods, however you’ll have to test and use patch-mods if needed.

– Not Ironman ready
– Not Achievement compatible
– Multiplayer ready

– simple German localisation with copy/paste English expressions is in place

Load Order

Follow the above Load Order Guide to know on which position to best place it in your playset.
If you like to combine this one with other mods, keep in mind to install compatibility patches if needed.


This is a private merged mod project to shorten loading time and avoid incompatibility. I am in no way the author of the included mods. All credits go to the authors of the several included mods. This project will be altered and updated every now and then to fit into the current Stellaris versions. Please refer to the above linked list to view the currently included mods.

Credits and Merits

All credits and big thank you for backing this collection with their permission goes to the great modders that have done such fine work for our entertainment.

Namely they are:

Game Version

This is patched together for Stellaris 2.8.*

Have fun and if you like it, follow the above linked mods by clicking on the arrows ( -> ) and leave a thumbs up to the source mods of the collection!

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What is Stellaris mods?

A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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