Habitats Capped Dynamic Mod

Habitats Capped Dynamic Mod

Non-void dweller empires have:
-A Base habitat cap of 3
-Cap increases by 1 per 10 owned systems up to 200 owned systems for a total of 23 habitats

void dweller origin empires have:
-A Base habitat cap of 6
-Cap increases by 1 per 5 owned systems up to 100 owned systems for a total of 26 habitats

Are you tired of seeing late game galaxies filled to the brim with habitats in every system? Even with mods that make the ai first colonize before they can build another, ultimately by 2400-2500 the galaxy is going to packed with many hundreds of them with no end in sight to the madness. Taking them away from AI hamstrings them, removing them entirely makes me sad, and a static hard cap is too retrictive/inflexible.

With this mod, a 1000 star galaxy with 20 empires will cap out at around 160 habitats present throughout the whole galaxy, though you probably won’t see close to that many in reality. Habitats are meant to augment an empire’s production, not be an indefinite alloy/influence dump forever pumping pops into the galaxy until the game grinds to a screeching halt.

Void dweller’s starting habitats count against their base cap of 6, so initially they will only be able to build 3 more. Limit grows twice as fast to keep the origin competitive.

“Cap” simply refers to how many habitats within an empire’s border it takes to prevent them from constructing more.

Support for ZOFE Awakened/Lost empires included

Special thanks to stellaris modding den:

-Velaroz and Wymorlon for balance advice
-McAwesome for helping with the code, variables are new to me.

to do:
-Localisation stuff so people can more easily see how many more habs they can make
-Balance tweaks
-Dynamic ringworld cap sub-mod maybe? if there’s an interest
-Figure out how to make a planet event event that works for habitats with the planet cracker on action, if possible.

Overwrites habitats.txt

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