Halo: Promethean Portraits Mod

Halo: Promethean Portraits Mod
This mod adds portraits of the Prometheans, Created, and Sentinel factions from the Halo Universe.
1. 3 animated portrait sets: The Ur-Didact’s Prometheans, Forerunner Sentinels, and the Created.
2. Civic: The Mantle of Responsibility
3. 2 Origins: Requiem and Genesis
4. 2 System Starts for both Requiem and Genesis: Requiem is a new planet class with its own custom districts and background.
5. Static Modifiers for both systems.
6. Traits: Promethean, Sentinel, and Created Constructs
7. Forerunner rooms
8. Forerunner Flags
1. The UNSC clothes used for making the Created AI portraits are from llossaa’s Halo Universe Human Species Mod. A link to the mod is provided below:
Feedback is appreciated and if you have any issues, let me know.
Although it is not in this mod, If you are interested in the shipset seen in the images above, a link to the Forerunner Standalone shipset mod by yf22 is here: