!Lots of Traditions – PT, EST, and ST – 126 Ascension Perks

!Lots of Traditions – PT, EST, and ST – 126 Ascension Perks
Compatible with 3.0
This is a version of Lots of Traditions that only requires Plentiful Traditions Expanded Stellaris Traditions and Simple Traditions and 126 Ascension Perk slots.
Required Mods
Recommended Mods
Do not use multiple versions of LoT at the same time, this will cause issues!
Other Versions of !LoT
Disables achievements in Ironman
Doesnt work with mods that change traditions or ascension perk slots
Known Issues
Scrollbar looks funny, I dont care, do not complain about this.
Sometimes icons are broken, unsubscribe and resubscribe to the required mods and then make sure they are active in the launcher.
Report any issues you find in the comments
SI-Abominus for keeping Plentiful Traditions updated
Girion for Expanded Stellaris Traditions
~~mR.K for
OxTQL for