Lotus Mod – Larger Platforms Mod

Lotus Mod – Larger Platforms Mod

The idea of defense platforms is good, but they are simple and boring. The larger defense platforms, “Defense Station” and “Fortress,” are already in the game, but not accessable to the player. This mod unlocks both of these, as well as tweaks them to make them more interesting while still being balanced. Since the Ion Cannon feels too basic and not worth 8 platform points, I improved its defense and gave it access to the Titan Auras to make it more unique (instead of just being a platform with a Titan Gun).

Defense Station (unlocked by Improved Structural Integrity Tech)
-4 standard platform sections instead of the usual 2
-gains 50% bonus to any Armor or Shields you equip on it
-base 5000 hp and 1000 armor
-4 platform points to build

Fortress (unlocked by Improved Structural Integrity AND Corps of Engineers Tech)
-4 large platform sections
-gains 100% bonus to any Armor or Shields you equip on it
-base 10000 hp and 5000 armor
-access to larger reactors if necessary (I kept them separate to increase compatibility with other mods)
-Can equip one of the Juggernaut Support Auras (Don’t stack with each other but will stack if a Juggernaut is in the same system)
-8 platform points to build

Ion Cannon (changes)
-Increased the Utility Slots from 6 to 15
-Can equip 2 of the Titan Support Auras (Don’t stack with each other but will stack if a Titan is in the same system)

-This mod overwrites the military_station_medium, military_station_large, ion_cannon, and ION_CANNON_CORE but does not overwrite entire vanilla files.
-This mod can still be used with other mods that modify ship_sizes.txt and starbases.txt just make sure that “Lotus Mod – Larger Platforms” is below/after any other mod that effects ship sizes.
-This mod is compatible with NSC2, which also makes changes to platforms. If you have this mod below NSC2 in the mod list, Stellaris will use my plaforms instead of the NSC2 platforms, while still giving you all their other ships and things.

—–Check Out My Other Mods—–

Advances Ship Sections adds more specialized sections to the existing ship classes
Ship Design Expanded is a combination of all my mods (it includes this mod)
Check back on my collection often. I will be adding more mods and patches regularly.

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What is Stellaris mods?

A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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