Marauders Remodeled

Marauders Remodeled

A graphical* mod that replaces the default Marauder models with something more fitting their style and lore. Now centuries old spacebound warrior clans no longer use asteroids and scrap to make their ships. They’re still pretty low-tech and brutalistic, but built with experience and practicality. Its got working turrets too, because everyone likes turrets for some reason.

Well not *really*, but if you load it into a game in progress PDX’s brilliant coding will use the pirate turrets on them. This is the same thing that causes the “menacing” ships to have a pirate hull yet your species turrets, leading to occasional hilarious combinations (Try Humanoid! Bring eye bleach).

This mod will not affect the appearance of pirate ships, only marauders.

*Compatibility: Due to how PDX programmed marauders this mod is not very compatible with mods that modify them. It may still work, but i’ve had to overwrite way more common files than i’d like.

I haven’t tested the khan event spawned ships yet so those might still be pirate ships as well.

Ships created by MSDGI:

To show my support for mah bruddah if anyone purchases any models from his storefront I will put those same models into stellaris for free, in any manner of your choosing, and send you the mod for your own discretion. The guy deserves a lot more attention than he gets.

This mod was released a slightly prematurely as I didn’t finish it in time for the release of Nemesis.

There are still a couple gfx bugs (missing pirate freehold models, odd spec) on the models, but those will get patched over the next few days. The current lazily made previews show roughly how they look right now, but i’ll refine the everything over the weekend.

No new save will be necessary to receive these fixes and refinements in an ongoing campaign. You’ll boot up your game one day and BOOM khans got shiny better looking ships to kick your ass with.

Q: This mod is bad.
A: I know.

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What is Stellaris mods?

A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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