More Authorities Mod

More Authorities Mod
I made this mod based around Ethics and Civics Alternative. I really don’t know how well this mod will work without it. Some functions will likely be broken. As such, I’m setting that mod as a requirement for this one, because it essentially is. Consider this an add-on for that great mod (linked below).
A bonus of it being compatible with Ethics and Civics Alternative is that I was able to incorporate these new authorities into the relevant government types added by ECA.
2 New Authorities:
– Democratic Autocracy:
This system of government democratically elects a dictator for life. When your ruler dies, a new one will be elected the same as in democracies, with faction support mattering and whatnot.
This authority doesn’t require egalitarian or authoritarian ethics, makings it very versatile. You can also hold emergency elections, but remember that they will be democratic elections where you can’t guarantee the winner.
16 candidates maximum.
– Single Term Democracy:
This government form elects a ruler for a single 15-year term. After their term, leaders will go back to whatever job they had before (scientist, governor, admiral, general). If it’s the initial leader, they will become a governor. This government cannot be reformed out of: once chosen, it will be your government for the rest of the game. My logic with this was that I wanted a government with such tight checks on power that it would be impossible for any one leader to remove term limits within their 15-year term.
I plan to look at balancing this government more, so that you get more out of the fact that you can’t reform it. Something that grows over time, if that’s possible. I’ll take suggestions.
This government requires some form of egalitarian ethic.
Stellaris doesn’t let you discriminate between reforming into or out of government authorities, so I had to make an edict for the ability to reform into this government type mid game. Note that to do this, I had to choose the civics, or else set them randomly. I chose them to what I felt would be most appropriate. The problem is that you will lose the civics you had. If you had 4, you’re only going to have 3 afterwards. You’ll have to wait 20 years to reform again as well (or you can use the console command free_government and ignore the time limit).
You can still reform a single term government to add more civics, of course.
As well with the above, civics added in at game start that aren’t allowed to be added in later cannot be gotten back. If you are a fanatic purifier and reform into a single term democracy, you will lost that civic and be unable to get it back. You can always start the game as a fanatical purifier single term democracy, though.
16 candidates maximum.
I highly recommend all of the mods below.
– Tovius and their mod Expanded Mandates. This would not have been possible without looking at how he did term limits for an event.
– Emperor Scorpio and their mod Kingmaker 2.7. This mod helped me understand how to set governments via edict.
Petruxa and their mod Ethics and Civics Alternative 2.7. Helped me understand how to add new government and authority types.
The Future:
I’ll probably add more authorities eventually, as I think of them. I’ll also be looking at ways to make term limits more interesting.
Let me know about any bugs or anything else, this took way longer to make than I anticipated.