Neutraits 2.8.1

Neutraits 2.8.1

A standalone 2.8-friendly version of my old Neutraits mod.

8 New Neutral Traits and 4 New Negative Traits

Monstrous [0]+10 Leader lifespan
+75% Morale damage
-25 Ruler Opinion impact

Obsessive [0]+10% to Research output
-5% Happiness
-15% Pop Growth
-Not compatible with Unscientific, Hedonistic or Disciplined
This species is dedicated to the advancement of their empire but often to their own personal detriment.

Disciplined [0]+40% Army morale
+15% Governing ethics attraction
-5% Happiness
-Not compatible with Hedonistic or Obsessive
Through harsh conditioning and training this species focuses on martial tradition and service to the nation.

Overspecialised [0]+30% Army health
+30% Army damage
+20 Leader lifespan
-15% Habitability
Whether due to evolutionary maladaptation or shortsighted genetic engineering, this species excels in its home environment but struggles outside of it.

Hedonistic [0]+10% Happiness
-15% Governing ethics attraction
-5% Research output
-5% Worker output
-Not compatible with Obsessive or Disciplined

Engineering/Physics/Society Focus [0]+20% to the Focused research output but -10% to the other two
-Not compatible with the other Focus traits, Obsessive or Unscientific
This species has a strong preference for a certain form of research.

Chaotic [-5]-20% Unity output
-15% Governing ethics attraction
-20 Leader lifespan
This species is trapped in a cycle of constant infighting and self-destructive behaviour. Merely surviving can be a struggle.

Unscientific [-5]-25% Research output

Profligate [-4]+30% Consumer goods cost
-10% Habitability
-Not compatible with Conservational, Wasteful, Adaptive, Very Adaptive or Nonadaptive
This species lives recklessly extravagant lives.

Frail [-3]-25% Army health
-25% Army damage
-10% Worker output
-10 Leader lifespan
-Not compatible with Weak, Strong, Very Strong, Overspecialised or Disciplined traits
This species is prone to injury and disease and lacks the endurance for ground warfare or heavy labour.

NOTE: At present, none of these traits have any chance of manifesting in hybrid species, so they have no interaction with the Xeno-Compatibility Ascension Perk!

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