OP Traits & Civics

OP Traits & Civics

This mod was created with the intent of providing extremely powerful bonuses so one can create an empire with great advantages over the others, as well as to help with roleplay content.

Note that the intent of this mod was never to be balanced in any way, just to be fun to play with.

This mod adds 7 new traits:

– Extradimensional *
– Ancient *
– Workaholic
– Machine Connected
– Stellar Connection
– Transcended
– Ascended

* These traits have huge bonuses and also have specific civics & leader traits

This mod also adds 18 new civics:

– 4 civics available for every empire type
– 1 extra-powerful Nemesis civic, which allows you to Become the Crisis right at the start of the game
– 4 Extradimensional related civics
– 9 Ancient civics

As with the new 3.0.1 update, some new civics have been added and the trait points required have been lowered. Also, civics that were once unavailable for Gestalt Consciousness are now available. Removed Ancient trait growth penalties because Paradox already did in vanilla.

Molten Ring
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What is Stellaris mods?

A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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