resettlement_mod Mod

resettlement_mod Mod

Pop resettlement mod
This mod resettles pops across all owned planets. It is suitable to move all types of pops, including robots, slaves, bio-trophies and pops from awoken fallen empires. The script handles all players (AI and human) and there is no need for manual pop movement to other planets until late game overcrowding. It should work in combination with all mods, which are not using other resettlement scripts and it does not interfere with the “Greater Than Ourselves†edict. Which is not needed while using this mod. Have fun using the mod, since it is a QOL feature and reduces pop micro a lot. I use it myself in single and multiplayer games without desyncs.

How does it work: The mod resettles unemployed pops to planets with a job and good habitability. By setting migration controls on a species, the pop from this species is excluded from the script. If you have slaves or robotic workers, the script will exchange them with a suitable pop or just resettle them to a planet with a job. You can exclude a planet from resettlement to it and from it by setting a special decision.

Restrictions: The script runs in background monthly at no costs for any empire. It is repeated once during early game, twice in mid and three times at late-game per month. This also depends on the amount of owned planets (once for each multiple of 7 planets). Each run it can resettle up to one worker, one specialist, one ruler, slave, robot-servant, bio-trophy, one pop to a habitat or one awoken-FE-pop. The script stops moving pops to planets with less than 50% stability. The AI is able to resettle below this limit, to save the planets from crashing. From planets, which have a construction, are occupied, have devastation, have land appropriation or are under bombardment, pops cannot move away. For not destroying buildings, pops cannot resettle from planets, which have less than 10 pops or every time a division by 5 without remainder between 10 and 80 pops is possible. If more than one building slot is available, this restriction does not apply.

Please try out my other mods in my workshop (e.g. sector AI). Special thanks to Glavius, he inspired me to start modding. The basis of this script was originally taken from his script, but is now changed significantly.

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