Simple Traditions

Simple Traditions
What does this mod do?
This mod adds 5 additional tradition trees to the base game:
- Industry
- Science
- Navy
- Statecraft
- Specialist
Below you will find descriptions for what each tree does.
I have also changed the amount of unity you need to buy a tradition. They should generally be faster to get during the start and you should get 7 (the original amount of trees) slightly faster than you could before, but the last 5 should ramp up hard in costs.
Lastly, i have made a couple of changes to the original tradition trees in an attempt to make each tree feel more distinct, also noted down below.
The new traditions
This one focuses on improving your ability to extract basic resources.
Adoption Bonus:
Your mining stations produce 10% more resources.
Layered Shifts:
Your workers (/menial drones) produce 5% more resources.
Compact Extraction Centers:
The generator, mining and agriculture districts provide 1 additional housing.
Low Level Management:
District Upkeep is reduced by 10%.
Quick Deployment Stations:
Mining station build cost reduced by 25% and mining station build speed is increased by 25%.
Optimized Algorithms:
Mining station upkeep reduced by 10%.
Finisher Bonus:
You gain 1 miner, 1 technician and 1 farmer job per 50 pops. (1 mining drone and 1 tech-drone for machine empires.)
This one focuses on increasing your research output.
Adoption Bonus:
Leader experience gain increased by 25%.
Signature Research Field:
you gain 20% research speed in a field of your choice. (Particles, industry,biology, etc.)
Research Grants:
Increases physics, society and engineering output from researchers by 10%.
Advanced Studies:
1 researcher job per 50 pops.
Standardized Equipment:
Research station upkeep reduced by 10%.
Exotic Experiments:
Research station output increased by 10%.
Finisher Bonus:
Research speed increased by 10%.
This one focuses on improving your ships.
Adoption Bonus:
Ship weapon damage increased by 5%.
Electromagnetic Propulsion:
Choose between 30% sublight speed or 10% longer weapon range.
Design Considerations:
Choose between 10% lower ship maintenance or 10% lower ship build costs.
Offensive Capabilities:
Choose between 15% more damage to kinetic weapons, energy weapons or explosive weapons.
Carrier Operations:
Choose between 20% speed and damage to your strike craft or 20% more damage and fire rate for your point defense.
Defensive Capabilities:
Choose between 15% more shield, armor or hull hit points
Finisher Bonus:
Ship experience gain increased by 50% and ship starting experience increased by 100.
This one focuses on improving the effectiveness of your state.
Adoption Bonus:
Stability increased by 5% and pop happiness increased by 5%.
New Worlds:
Immigration pull increased by 25%.
Central Administration:
Administrative capacity increased by 10%.
Edict capacity increased by 1 and monthly influence increased by 1.
Service Arrangement:
20% more amenities.
Minimalist Experience:
Pop consumer goods use reduced by 10%.
Finisher Bonus:
1 more civic slot.
This one focuses on improving your leaders and the specialists of your empire.
Adoption Bonus:
Leader pool size increased by 1 and leader cost reduced by 25%.
Manufacturing Expansion:
Alloys from jobs increased by 5%.
Consumer Rights:
Consumer goods from jobs increased by 5%.
Rare Resource Extraction:
Production of rare crystals, exotic gases and volatile motes increased by 10%.
Leader Longevity:
leader lifespan increased by 20 years.
Amplitude Increase:
Leader upkeep reduced by 10% and leader level cap increased by 1.
Finisher Bonus:
Leader experience gain increased by 50%.
Changes to the original tradition trees
Open Markets:
changed to: trade attractiveness increased by 25%.
changed to: vassalization acceptance increased by 25, negative opinion from relative power reduced by 25%, and both empires gain 20% research speed in techs the other one has researched.
changed to: 10% increased trade value.
Administrative Operations
changed to: 15% reduced upkeep for buildings.
changed to: 1 coordinator drone per 50 pops.