The Necrotic Plague

The Necrotic Plague

Adds a custom origin called “Tomb World Necrophages” – which is a combination of Tomb World, Necrophage, and Void Dwellers origin. The empire is infected by a plague, the plague spreads whenever a host carries it to another planet (so conquering planets, migration, refugees, fallen empires requesting you to donate a pop, etc). The plague is designed to be a bad thing for other empires but an “okay” thing for you (the tomb world necrophage).

This is my second mod EVER, and it’s a pretty big project for me. Hopefully everything works out fine, but the bigger the scope, the more opportunities for problems to arise.

Here’s some of the features:
-Starts you off on an infected Tomb World, with habitat technology and a custom blocker.
-Class B star on startup.
-Special plague clouds surround infected planets and habitats (should be disabled for ringworlds and such).
-Special planetary decision: quarantine pop.
-Special planetary decision: cleanse planet (which purges undead).
-Empires will get quite unhappy with you if the plague gets out of control.
-Options menu at the start controls how easy or hard it is to spread the plague.
-Custom script on game startup helps AI be able to play this origin without sucking donkey balls.
-Pop growth puzzle for you math wizards to figure out. (tell me if it’s broken, please)


I recommend combining this mod with my other mod, “Actual Reanimated Armies”

Neither of my mods overwrite any game files.

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Special thanks to “The really derpy alien” (the first beta tester) for providing helpful feedback and great ideas on how to improve this mod.

Space Necromancer Artwork is from here:

Flying Scorpion
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A mod (short for "modification") is an alteration where someone, usually a player, changes some aspect (e.g. the way it looks or behaves) of a video game. Mods may range from small changes and simple tweaks to completely new games made within a video game. Games running on a personal computer are often designed with change in mind, allowing modern PC games to be modified by gamers without much difficulty. Don't wait and try Stellaris mods right now.

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