Wild Space Lite Mod

Wild Space Lite Mod
This is a simple, quick submod for Wild Space that reduces the amount of uncolonisable wild space systems spawned. Full description for that mod is available through the link below. For the moment, this is a very simple change to the number of systems spawned. I’m currently working on a more advanced version to try and create more variable and interesting “geography”.
Load order: after Wild Space and any other submods. Adjusted Bigger Galaxies mod is included.
The purpose of Wild Space is to make galactic geography matter. It currently does three things:
- adds “wild space†systems that cannot be colonised, which fill most nebulae and the galactic core;
- adds differential hyperlane density between “wild” and “normal” space and links areas of wild space to the core via wormhole; and
- adds new galaxy maps that dramatically increases the proportion of systems that are within a nebula.
By doing so it prevents the entire map from being locked down by empire borders by the end of the early game, increasing maneuverability and extending the exploration phase of the game. It also reduces the number of habitable planets and should increase performance (whilst not changing the density of planets as determined by standard settings).
Wild Space mods
Support the mod
I do this for fun, absolutely no need to support this. But, as I’ve received a few requests now, if you’d like to support my modding donations to the link below are gratefully received.