ST: New Horizons Immersion submod
ST: New Horizons Immersion submod
A sub-mod designed for STNH to add a bit of lore and randomness to the STNH experience.
Random position generator
Attached java executable. Randomize empire start locations and/or uninhabited systems.
Alternative United Federation of Planets formation
United Earth or Vulcan high command can form the UFOP if they form a coalition with 1 minor race and remain coalition leader.
Scaling outpost construction cost
Slows down the rate of expansion (OPTIONAL)
Supernova homeworld event
For players wanting a more challenging experience (OPTIONAL)
Dominion membership
A.I Dominion will aggressively pursue neighbouring weaker races to join them (OPTIONAL)
Fleet capacity overextention
Being above your empire forcelimit now actually matters, reduding the mineral and energy credit output.
Small random trek map
Dynamic map suitable for the random position generator. Some scripted ST:NH events.
Mini random trek map
Dynamic map suitable for the random position generator. Some scripted ST:NH events. Running the start position generator on this map randomizes the medium powers and minor races.
Alternative alpha-beta quadrant map
Static map suitable for the random position generator. All races spread evenly across map. Scripted ST:NH events.
Custom map features:
Major powers
United Earth / United Federation of Planets
Klingon Empire
Romulan Star Empire
Cardassian Union
Medium powers
Ferengi Alliance
Gorn Hegemony
Tholian Assembly
Husnock ascendancy
Breen Confederacy
Tzenkethi Coalition
Sheliak Corporate
Minor races
Alpha/beta quadrant races only. May expand slightly. Border skirmishes with other minors. Major and medium powers will try to enslave or conquer.
A.I support events
Major and medium powers pose more of a challenge. Minor races expand their military whilst colonizing. (OPTIONAL)
Increased a.i aggressiveness
Major and medium powers are more likely to start a war to raid, conquer or demilitarize opponents. (OPTIONAL)
Dominion infiltration/framing
A.I Dominion will now infiltrate overwhelming enemies and sabotage military assets, occasionally framing another empire in the process.
Borg late game invasion
A temporary transwarp aperture between the Borg homeworld and a random system will form approximately every 10 years, allowing the Borg to send ships through for a limited period of time. They will then try to establish a presence in the quadrant.
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