Dyson Capitol

Dyson Capitol

Dyson Sphere with significantly more strategic value and Dyson and ringworld specific spaceport building to represent the titanic space structure that these things are.

a Dyson construction branch into the sphere starting after the frame is built

much greater resource production per level

spaceport building that that is fairly insane, but a realistic representation of a Dyson sphere and ringworld

spaceport module that similarly represents the defense capabilities of such structures

new and improved immersion annoying names I’ve yet to properly fix. I’ll fix the names when I can be bothered to care enough to. they annoy me too, but like all modders: I’m learning as I go

not compatible with… idk yet. probably something somewhere somehow.

ah and last but not least: all ruined megastructures can now be salvaged for 10000 alloys and the “built/completed megastructure” country flag. when I figure out how I’ll probably add some startup points towards the mega engineering tech upon dismantling these.

no vanilla files are overwritten which is why the names are jacked but should allow for compatibility maybe? probably.

This mod’s concept was the inspired by the following mods:
Citadel Defense Grid System
Guilli’s Planet Modifiers and Features (the precursor shipyard uplink building
Colonizable Dyson Spheres

future ideas if/when I can figure out how that may or may not become separate mods (probably will):

make planetary harvesting decision that reduces a planet to nothing (mostly just owned uninhabitable)

make a habitat and ringworld decision that increases devastation to 100% and self-destructs it.

make megastructures build via a decision on the star itself and/or have a citadel upgrade into a megastructure platform

upgrade research/mining stations into megastructures and via planetary decisions

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